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printed by () 04/29/2024 10:40:04
FAQ#: 1000273 / Manual Data Exchange with HelpDesk
Category: English::CADISON Helpdesk
Language: en
Votes: 0
Result: 0.00 %
Last update: 05/08/2018 15:00:58


Symptom: (public)
Data Exchange with CADISON HelpDesk

Smaller amounts of data, can be attached as a file to a contribution of a Ticket.

If you want to transmit data amounts > 10 MB to us, then please proceed as follows:
  • Open the website
  • Click on the link "Log in" at the top right.
  • Enter the access data you received from us;
    If you do not have them, please request them by email to
  • After logging in, please click on the link "FTP Customer Server" on the left navigation area.
  • With the diskette icons you can upload and download data:
Datenaustausch per Browser

When it comes to the transfer of very large amounts of data (> 300 MB), then the use of an FTP client software (like Filezilla) is recommended.
As name of the server please enter, as Username please enter your Username
but supplemented by the expansion, and as password please enter your password.
Using an FTP client has the advantage that interrupted downloads can be continued.

Problem: (public)

Solution: (public)
